
Below, you will find some links from Dandie Dinmont Terrier Kennels. If you would like to have your homepage listed here, please contact me via Email.

I will add additional pages - also on other subjects, soon.


My Banner

If you put my banner and link information on your homepage, it would be fine for me. Thanks.

 Location:  de, Bad Schussenried
 Type:  Kennel " von Otterswang "

 Dandie Dinmont Terrier

 Owner:  Ulrike V. Murday
 Location: de
 Type:  Klub für Terrier
 Location: de
 Type:  VDH - Verband für das deutsche Hundewesen
 Location: at
 Type:  Österreichischer Klub für Terrier
 Location: at
 Type:  ÖKV - Östereichischer Kynologenverband
 Location: ch
 Type:  Schweizer Club für Terrier
 Location: us, uk, nl
 Type:  Dandie Dinmont Trust
Google Group

Dandie Dinmont Terrier Breeders &Owners

you have to register


 Type: YAHOO Groups


you have to register

 Location: uk
 Type:  Dandie Dinmont Terrier Club
 Location:  de, Wuppertal
 Type:  Kennel " German Dandies' "

 Dandie Dinmont Terrier

 Owner:  Manfred Rosenbaum
 Location:  se
 Type:  Kennel " Wimlett´s "

 Dandie Dinmont Terrier

 Owner:  Margreth & Gunnar Wall
 Location:  hu
 Type:  Kennel " Ibolya Közi "

 Dandie Dinmont Terrier

 Owner:  Susan and Benedek Benkö
 Location:  de
 Type:  Kennel " vom Parkwald "

 Dandie Dinmont Terrier

 Owner:  Alfred u. Helga Birkicht
 Location:  nl
 Type:  Kennel " Dainty Dandies "

 Dandie Dinmont Terrier

 Owner:  Conja Bell
 Location:  uk, Scotland
 Type:  Kennel " Dawsholm "

 Dandie Dinmont Terrier

 Owner: Celia Danks
 Location:  cz
 Type:  Kennel " Dandie z Minic "

 Dandie Dinmont Terrier

 Owner:  Blanka & Milos Prausová
 Location:  cz
 Type:  Kennel " ze Žíhelské zahrady "

 Dandie Dinmont Terrier

 Owner:  Ludvík Rus
 Location:  cz
 Type:  Kennel " ze Zvičínské stráně  "

 Dandie Dinmont Terrier

 Owner:  Vladka Zvonickova
 Location:  cz
 Type:  Kennel " z Roxburku Sun "

 Dandie Dinmont Terrier

 Owner:  Zoja Shejbalová
 Location:  at
 Type:  Kennel " Austrian Dandies "

 Dandie Dinmont Terrier

 Owner:  Antonia und Hellmut Röckendorfer
 Location: de, Stockheim
 Type:  Cesky & West Highland White Terrier
 Owner: Martina & Franz Baklarz
 Location: de
 Type: General Terrier Page